Common Internet Connectivity Issues (36.4) There are several connectivity issues that can be attributed to other devices such as the DHCP server or with reaching the ISP. DHCP Server Configuration Errors (36.4.1) If the physical connection to the wired or wireless host appears to be connecting as expected but the host cannot communicate on remote…
The after event – Certified Advanced Salesforce Admin Exam Guide
The after event Then, we can update the after update part on the trigger (some parts of the code have been hidden for simplicity; refer to this book’s GitHub repository for the full code): 1. trigger OpportunityTrigger on Opportunity (before insert, before 2. update, after insert, after update) { 3. 4. //current record (supposing only one opportunity can…
Troubleshoot Wireless Issues
Troubleshoot Wireless Issues (36.3) Troubleshooting a wireless LAN is similar to troubleshooting a wired LAN, but there are some important differences associated with the wireless signal and the access point. Causes of Wireless Issues (36.3.1) If the wireless client is unable to connect to the AP, it may be because of wireless connectivity problems. Wireless…
Schedule it right now! – Certified Advanced Salesforce Admin Exam Guide
Schedule it right now! In the previous section, I demonstrated that even after hours of study, you can make mistakes and get the wrong answer. This shouldn’t mean that you should procrastinate and forestall signing up to your exam forever: believe me, you can study as much as you can, but there will always be…
Failure is an option – Certified Advanced Salesforce Admin Exam Guide
Failure is an option First, don’t be afraid to fail. Failure is the perfect way to learn. Would you believe me when I say that I passed all these tests without a Result: FAILED message? Let’s take the Advanced Administrator certification as an example. It took me two attempts to clear the exam: in the…
Wireless Router LEDs – 100-150 Exam Study Guide
Wireless Router LEDs (36.2.2) Regardless of whether the fault is present on the wireless or wired network, one of the first steps in a bottom-up strategy of troubleshooting should be to examine the LEDs, which indicate the current state or activity of a piece of equipment or connection. LEDs may change color or flash to…
Need more resources? – Certified Advanced Salesforce Admin Exam Guide
Need more resources? This book covers all the topics, but some more examples and point of views on the same subjects can give you even more confidence. I suggest you to jump to Trailhead and complete the Advanced Administrator Trailmix at, which covers a bunch of the topics as well. This is not a…
Guidelines for Selecting a Troubleshooting Method
Guidelines for Selecting a Troubleshooting Method (36.1.5) To quickly resolve network problems, take the time to select the most effective network troubleshooting method. Figure 36-4 illustrates which method could be used when a certain type of problem is discovered. Figure 36-4 Selecting a Troubleshooting Method For instance, software problems are often solved using a top-down…
Tips and Tricks for Passing Your Exam
Tips and Tricks for Passing Your Exam This whole book is meant to be a structured trail to give you all the content you need to increase your chances of passing the Salesforce Advanced Administrator test (and to improve your skills, of course). Throughout the chapters so far, I’ve tried to give you hints and…
Troubleshoot Common Network Problems
ObjectivesUpon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questions: Introduction (36.0) Diego has completed her task of designing and setting up a new branch network. He will need to test it, and if there are problems, she will diagnose and fix them. I want to know how to test, diagnose,…