Ethernet Frame Fields (21.2.4) The minimum Ethernet frame size is 64 bytes and the expected maximum is 1518 bytes. This includes all bytes from the destination MAC address field through the frame check sequence (FCS) field. The preamble field is not included when describing the size of the frame. Note: The frame size may be…
Service chaining and hub-and-spoke networks
Service chaining and hub-and-spoke networks A common way to reduce duplication of resources is to use a hub-and-spoke network topol- ogy. In this approach, shared resources (such as domain controllers, DNS servers, monitoring systems, and so on) are deployed into a dedicated hub VNet. These services are accessed from multiple applications, each deployed to their…
Ethernet Frames – 100-150 Exam Guide
Ethernet Frames (21.2) Ethernet operates in the data link layer and the physical layer. It is a family of networking technologies that are defined in the IEEE 802.2 and 802.3 standards. Ethernet Encapsulation (21.2.1) This module starts with a discussion of Ethernet technology including an explanation of MAC sublayer and the Ethernet frame fields. Ethernet…
Ethernet Switching – 100-150 Exam Guide
Objectives Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questions: • How do the OSI model Layer 1 and Layer 2 function in an Ethernet network? • How do the Ethernet sublayers are related to the frame fields? • What is the Ethernet MAC address? • How does a switch…
Number Systems Summary – 100-150 Exam Guide
Number Systems Summary (20.3) The following is a summary of each topic in the chapter and some questions for your reflection. What Did I Learn in this Module? (20.3.1) • Binary Number Systems—Binary is a numbering system that consists of the digits 0 and 1 called bits. In contrast, the decimal numbering system consists of…
Create a virtual network and subnets using the Azure portal
Create a virtual network and subnets using the Azure portal To create a new VNet using the Azure portal, search for virtual networks. On the Virtual Net- works blade, click Create. The Create Virtual Network blade opens. Here you can provide configuration information about the virtual network. This blade requires the following inputs, as shown…
Activity – Decimal to Binary Conversions
Activity – Decimal to Binary Conversions (20.1.7) This activity allows you to practice decimal conversions to 8-bit binary values. We recommend that you work with this tool until you are able to do the conversion without error. Convert the decimal number shown in the Decimal Value row to its binary bits. Refer to the online…
Subnets – MS AZ-104 Exam Guide
Subnets Integrating Azure resources into a virtual network requires a subnet. Subnets are used to divide the VNet IP space. Different subnets can have different network security and routing rules, so applications and application tiers can be isolated and network flows between them can be controlled. For example, consider a typical three-tier application architecture compris-…
Decimal to Binary Conversion Example
Decimal to Binary Conversion Example (20.1.6) To help understand the process, consider the IP address The first octet number 192 is converted to binary using the previously explained positional notation process. It is possible to bypass the process of subtraction with easier or smaller decimal numbers. For instance, notice that it is fairly easy…
Configure and manage virtual networks in Azure
Skill 4.1: Configure and manage virtual networks in Azure Azure Virtual Networks (VNets) form the foundation of the Azure networking infrastructure. Each VNet defines a network address space, comprising one or more IP address ranges. This network space is then carved into subnets. IP addresses for virtual machines, as well as some other services such…