Adding a GPU when a VM is created isn’t any different from creating a normal VM. To add a GPU to the VM, choose the GPU VM under Machine family. Once selected, you can specify the VM type and choose the desired amount of vCPUs, RAM, and GPUs: Figure 4.24 – A GPU added to…
Command line – Google Associate Cloud Engineer Study Guide
To create a VM and add the public SSH key to the instance metadata during the creation process, use the following command:gcloud compute instances create VM_NAME –metadata=ssh-keys=PUBLIC_KEY Once the VM has been created, we can update its metadata with the public SSH key using the following set of instructions: Figure 4.20 – The SSH key…
Starting and stopping a VM – Google Associate Cloud Engineer Study Guide
Let’s now focus on start and stop activities, which are a great introduction to working with the Cloud console and the gcloud command line. You might ask yourself, why do we need to stop an instance? If resources aren’t consumed, you don’t need to pay for them. Running instances that you don’t need might increase…
Command line – Google Associate Cloud Engineer Study Guide
VM creation can be achieved using command-line tools. The equivalent of the previously described instance creation using Cloud Shell can be achieved using the following command line:gcloud compute instances create instance-1 –project=wmarusiak-book-351718 –zone=europe-west1-b –machine-type=e2-medium –network-interface=network-tier=PREMIUM,subnet=default –maintenance-policy=MIGRATE –provisioning-model=STANDARD –create-disk=auto-delete=yes,boot=yes,device-name=instance-1,image=projects/ubuntu-os-cloud/global/images/ubuntu-2004-focal-v20220419,mode=rw,size=50,type=projects/wmarusiak-book-351718/zones/europe-west1-b/diskTypes/pd-ssd The preceding command specifies the following options: The aforementioned options have multiple switches and allow for precise…
Creating GCE – Google Associate Cloud Engineer Study Guide
Let’s create a VM running Ubuntu Linux as the operating system. Console Figure 4.1 – Creating an instance in the Cloud console Figure 4.2 – The first part of instance creation – an instance name and instance region with a zone Figure 4.3 – The Machine configuration section with several machine family options to choose…
Implementing Compute Solutions – Google Compute Engine
The aim of this chapter is to familiarize ourselves with the implementation of various compute solutions. We will cover the Google Compute Engine (GCE). We will try to create each computing solution, in this and the upcoming chapters, by using the Cloud console and the command line with the gcloud CLI. We will learn how…
Quota increase – Google Associate Cloud Engineer Study Guide
Quota increase is an automated process where many pre-existing factors such as project longevity, how long you have been using Google Cloud, and whether the account is newly created are evaluated. Some quotas might be denied now for you but approved later. Fortunately, it is not a fully automated process, and Cloud Customer Billing works…
Enabling an API – Google Associate Cloud Engineer Cert
We can enable an API in two places – Cloud Console or Google Cloud Shell. Let’s start with Cloud Console. Enabling an API in Cloud Console To enable an API in Cloud Console, we need to go to APIs & Services in our project: Figure 3.32 – Overview of APIs & Services Simply type the…
Budget creation – Google Associate Cloud Engineer Cert
To create a budget for a Cloud Billing account, we need to have billing.budgets.create permissions. To view all budgets, billing.budgets.get and billing.budgets.list IAM permissions are required. One way of assigning this permission could be the IAM role assignment of Billing Account Administrator or Billing Account Costs Manager. Let’s create our first budget in Google Cloud…
Billing exports – Google Associate Cloud Engineer Cert
Google Cloud offers additional possibilities for those whose existing billing and cloud usage reporting isn’t enough. Billing exports allow customers to export billing data into the Google Cloud data warehouse called BigQuery. We will learn about BigQuery in upcoming chapters, but in the context of billing exports, BigQuery can be used to export all billing…